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Thirsty Thursday Featuring Robert Ross

Grubs and Grooves

What song that you have recorded means the most to you and why? Without a doubt it’s "Mamma’s Song." It’s a tribute to my late mother Betty Comeau.

Is there any news for the forthcoming album? My new album Better With Time is completed and I will be releasing a few singles from it between now and the end of year. I’ll be releasing the album early 2025.

How was the last year for you? What were your highlights? Last year was amazing. I did an 18 show tour in Australia, moved to Nashville, went to Canada for a few shows, went to Mexico, recorded a new album with Grammy award winner Gil Grand and now releasing two singles from it on July 26th.

What's the story behind your album's title? The album title is Better With Time, which is also one of the tracks. The song is about the love of a woman and telling her that not to worry about growing older because she is only getting better with time. Aside from that I believe that we should all strive to get better with time.

Where do you draw inspiration from when writing? The best way I can explain it is that it is a gift from God. It is by his grace that the words come through my pen. The ideas just kinda appear and it flows from there. Usually they have some reference to things that have happened or some current situations in my life.

Was there ever music playing in the kitchen growing up? Yes, The radio was tuned into the local radio station and was turned on from the time we got up until we went to bed.

What is your favorite dish to cook? Spaghetti. I make a mean Spaghetti red sauce. Must have been an Italian in a former life.

Home cooking or going out for dinner? Definitely home cooking. Can’t beat a home cooked meal.

What's on your pizza? Do you fold your pizza or eat it straight on? Ranch or no ranch?

Fully loaded meat lovers no olives, no anchovies, no tomatoes. I like to fold two pieces together and make a kinda sandwich. No! No! No! to ranch

If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

Let's keep to the initials JC for this one. Jesus Christ, Johnny Cash, Julius Caesar, Johnny Carson

If you could be sponsored by one food/drink brand who would it be and why? I would have to say Jack Daniels. I drink Gentleman Jack and Jack Daniels has made his way into a few of my songs.

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