Thank you for chatting with us! You've played on a lot of stages with a lot of big artists, is there anyone you've been star struck by? My band opened for Eddie Van Halen and friends. Eddie was such a great guitarist. He was on fire that night. Just tore it up. We hung out with him backstage, sitting around in a circle, talking. I don't even remember what we talked about - I was definitely feeling starstruck!
Aside from singing do you play any instruments? Yes, guitar is my main instrument. I've been playing guitar since I was 11 years old. I studied music and guitar at Musician's Institute in Hollywood with amazing players. I love playing both lead and rhythm. I love to improvise with jam-bands, and with rock and blues bands.
Is there one song in particular you're most excited about people hearing? I'm excited for everyone to hear my brand new single "Glass Shatters". The song is a celebration of women, and four women singers joined me, harmonizing, collaborating and riffing. I'm really happy with how it all came together. All those voices complement each other and sound awesome together.
What is one thing you can tell us that most people don't know about you and might surprise us? When I'm not playing music, I teach college courses in yoga and mediation.
At the end of the day, what do you hope is the message of your music? What do you hope people take away from your songs? I hope my music has a positive effect. I hope people can let go of concerns for a while, just be in the moment and enjoy the music. I'd hope people discover some music magic at a show and feel inspiration, a sense of community and joy, and take that home and share it.
Was there ever music playing in the kitchen growing up? We didn't have music playing in the kitchen, but my Dad was a musician and had a repair shop in the basement. I could often hear Dad testing out saxophones, trombones and trumpets, or practicing his flute. Or I'd hear my older brothers blaring Led Zeppelin or Aerosmith from their upstairs bedroom.
Favorite music to listen to while you cook? Grateful Dead - they keep me dancing while I cook, and in a good mood
What's your favorite family recipe? My husband is a better cook than I am - he makes his family recipe of homemade meatballs and tomato sauce. He starts early and the sauce cooks all day long. Delicious over any kind of pasta! And he always makes a big pot so we can eat leftovers for a couple days.
What's on your pizza? Do you fold your pizza or eat it straight on? Ranch or no ranch? I love veggies on my pizza - mushrooms, tomato, onion, roasted red pepper. Straight on with NO ranch.
If you could be sponsored by one food/drink brand who would it be and why? Kodiak or Nature Valley granola bars - because they are my go to snack on the drive home after a gig.
Website: http://pattispadaro.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/pattispadaroband
Bandcamp: http://pattispadaro.bandcamp.com
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