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  • Grubs and Grooves

Thirsty Thursday Featuring Michael Zuzek

Thanks for chatting with us! What's the story behind your album's title? The story behind “Everest” is vast. I have always wanted to make an album and creating this was a true struggle. I had to overcome so many emotions while writing songs that are the best on the album, and some that didn’t even make the cut. For me, it has literally been like climbing Mount Everest. It took everything from me and is something I have always wanted to do. Much like the goals of those who dream of climbing Everest.

For newer fans, how did your passion for music and career come about? My passion started as a young child listening to The Beatles and Rush. I have played piano since the age of 5 and always wanted to be a “rockstar” as I put it from that age to about 10. During Covid, I

stopped practicing piano classically and started to try writing/singing. Now, here I am.

Looking back, what was the first album or "Vinyl" you bought? Although I have a collection of over 200, I honestly do not recall the first vinyl I bought. It could have been Rubber Soul. However, the first vinyl I remember putting on and playing is Abbey Road. Just one reason why it is my favourite album.

If you could have penned a song in any genre what would it have been? It would have to be "A Day in the Life." That to me is undoubtedly the greatest song on the greatest album ever made. Having the ability to turn a simple guitar ballad into something of its magnitude is

unfathomable and may never be seen again.

Where do you draw inspiration from when writing? I draw inspiration from all my childhood/adolescent experiences and memories. Many songs are about previous friendships/relationships that still exist or ended. My music and writing is very vulnerable but that is why I believe it is so vivid and real.

What is your favorite dish to cook? Cevapi is my favourite dish to cook. It is a Croatian meal that includes meat rolls of beef/lamb cooked on the barbecue. Our heritage bread is then opened up and has chopped onions placed inside it alongside Ajvar, our vegetable spread. Once the meat is in there and you have that first bite, you are in heaven.

If I was a bartender, what would you order? I would order a Guinness. Worlds greatest beer.

Where is your favorite place to eat in your hometown? My favourite place to eat locally in my hometown is Creme de la creme. It is a local restaurant that serves the best breakfast/lunch. I also love The Keg as the fine dining combined with the price is unbeatable.

What is your favorite childhood cereal? Cheerios were my favourite childhood cereal and I even had this little cheerio container for babies that I would use into my teenage years.

If you could be sponsored by one food/drink brand who would it be and why? There are so many brands I stick by religiously, but if I had to choose, it would be Guinness. Their iconic ads have always inspired me and made me laugh. Plus that beer has to be the greatest in the world.


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