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Thirsty Thursday Featuring Eleyet McConnell

Writer: Mary AnnMary Ann

Thank you for chatting with us! What is one thing you can tell us that most people don't know about you and might surprise us?

Chris: I spent 43 years working at an aerospace company. The last 31 years I help with testing in thermodynamics, avionics, jet engine systems, and aircraft lighting. I’m infatuated with aircraft and have a large and eclectic collection of things including an ejection seat in my basement. I also helped restore a C-45 Beech aircraft called the Grimes Flying Lab.

Angie: I’ve had a long, successful nursing career. I’ve even worked a bit in consulting and was a keynote speaker for a nursing conference in South Africa. I’ve traveled with organizations to the Dominical Republic where we did open heart surgery on children for free. It’s been a full life.

You recently released your new single, "Gettin By," that you also co-wrote. Tell us about the writing process and where the idea came from. We co-wrote this song with our dear friend Rick Schutte. He is a traveling salesman these days (that should be a song all by itself) and he would stop over when he was in town. We’d jam for a few hours and have the best time. He came up with this riff one time and was actually in Cleveland but messaged us and said he was sending us something to listen to and call back. We did. We talked about his ideas for the song and then just gabbed for a bit and then hung up. He was dealing with some work drama and was frustrated like we all get. This song was intended to speak for folks going through hard times, worrying about bills, money and all the things. We then got our dear friend Senor Patron and sat at the kitchen table and wrote the lyrics. That was that. Who have been some of your biggest musical influences growing up and do the same artists currently continue to influence you now?

Chris: Growing up I was influenced by bands like Bread, Chicago, Otis Reading, and Elvis. Still love all of them but as I got older, I did find myself loving Rock-N-Roll greats too (thanks Billy Webb). I still listen to all of them. Never gets old.

Angie: When I was younger it was all about Merle Haggard. That flowed freely in my house because he was my dad’s favorite. My mom loved The Captain and Tennille and I always smile when I hear that stuff. Merle influenced me as a songwriter more than anything and I still love to listen to his music. Of course, gospel music had a huge presence and those still take me back when I hear any of them. Aside from singing do you play any instruments? Angie plays keys/piano but only started about eight years ago. Chris can play several instruments though. He plays bass of course, but also acoustic guitar, harmonica, and Indian flute. He has a strong passion for the vibra slap (chuckle).

Looking back, what was the first album or "Vinyl" you bought?

Angie: Michael Jackson—Thriller

Chris: Pink Floyd—Dark Side of the Moon What is your favorite dish to cook? Chris makes amazing stir fry. Everyone just gets out of his way and lets him have his moment. He is famous for throwing Birds Eye Chilis in the wok to flavor the oil. It’s like the house has been pepper sprayed. The animals flee for the outdoors, the humans are coughing and opening windows. We have opened the doors in the dead of winter because it’s too intense. Now we know how those bad guys on Cops feel.

How do you drink your coffee? Every day we venture to the local Tim Horton’s and get the same thing. To the point they just tell us to come on around. Chris gets his Double Double and Angie gets two creams and a shot of vanilla in her coffee.

Southerners know good cookin'. What should every Southern kitchen be stocked with? Butter and Bacon Grease!! If I was a bartender, what would you order? Ummm….two shots of Patron. Chilled. If you could be sponsored by one food/drink brand who would it be and why? Patron Spirits Co. Well, we’ve had a lot of fun, a lot of arguments, and written some of our best music because of Senor Patron. He’s a staple in our world.


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