What's your favorite Christmas memory?
The year my brother David gave me my first cell phone! I think I was in either 4th or 5th grade. One of my family traditions is that no one is allowed to open presents until everyone in the house is up. I anxiously waited for what seemed like hours, but finally we all sat down in the living room to open presents. Then Davey left the room because he had to make a call. All of a sudden, I hear a Jingle Bells ringtone coming from one of the pillows and there underneath was a baby blue pre-paid Nokia phone with a big red bow tied around the antenna! Needless to say, I was super-happy especially since I was told I wasn’t old enough for a cell phone.
What’s your idea of a good Christmas Dinner?
I like a turkey dinner only twice a year and that’s on Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Do you have a favorite Christmas album?
Celine Dion’s, These Are the Special Times.
Do you have any favorite traditions or favorite movies for the holiday season?
Oh gosh, I have so many favorite traditions it’s hard to pick one, but if I had too, I’d say reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve! My favorite movies are a toss up too between Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and I’m a sucker for the Hallmark Christmas movies!
What’s been your favorite album of 2019?
Well it was actually released in 2018, but it has definitely been my favorite album to listen too and it’s For King and Country’s Burn The Ships.
What are your hopes for 2020? Any exciting plans?
Yes! I will be releasing a new album called Warrior In Me and will be launching a school outreach program also called “Warrior In Me” for youth suicide prevention and awareness.
The holiday season brings the best parties and time together with friends and family. What is your signature cocktail recipe that you will be drinking/serving?
It’s a tie between Hot Apple Cider and Hot Chocolate – here are my recipes : )
Take 1 gallon Apple Cider
Add 12 cinnamon sticks and 1/8 c. Of whole cloves
Bring to a boil
Then turn heat to low
Let simmer for an hour
Mix together the following ingredients 1c. Sugar
1c. Unsweetened cocoa powder
1c. Powdered milk
1/2 tsp. Of salt
1/2c. Milk chocolate or semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2c. Of white chocolate chips
1/2c. Crushed candy canes (Optional)
Store in an airtight container
Once ready to serve add either 1/3 or 1/2 cup (depending on how strong) of the mixture to 8oz of boiling water and stir until combined then top with mini marshmallows and enjoy!